Author: Marilyn Janovitz

24 to 35 Months Concept

This interactive book shows an uppercase letter changing its shape into something magical. Lift the flap and see how that shape has become an animal that begins with that letter! This book is a fun way to expose your child to the uppercase letters of the alphabet and words that begin with those letters. Use the animal pictures to build vocabulary and practice skills.

Before, During and After Reading

Choose a time when your child can be active. Read this book at a time your child can move and make loud sounds. Listen to or sing a favorite alphabet song or a song about animals before you read.  

Use the title and the picture on the front cover to help your child make a prediction as to what the story might be about. You might say: The title of this book is A, B, See. What do you see on the front cover of this book? That’s right, an Alligator. Alligator begins with the letter A. Look, the alligator is shaped like the letter A. 

Letter Knowledge

Use the picture clues to make predictions as to what you might see under the flap. Ask your child to look at each picture and how it is changing. You might say:  This is the letter A. What do you think this letter A will change  into? Let’s see! Invite your child to lift the flap. Then say the animal name, "I see an alligator! Can you say A for alligator?”

Bring attention to the letter name and letter shape. Use your finger to touch and trace the letter shape. Invite your child to do the same. As you trace the letter, say the letter name and sound.

Oral Language

Talk about the animals. Talk about the animals, where they live, what they like to eat, what color or shape they are, what size they are. Relate to your child’s experiences. For example: F is for fish. Tell me about the time you went fishing with daddy.

Phonological Awareness

Clap syllables in words. Clap the syllables in the animal words. Say the animal name slowly:  Say it again, clapping one time for each part (4 claps for – 4 syllables). Try other animal names and use different animal motions to count the syllables, like stomping, hopping or jumping.  

Beginning Writing

Practice writing outdoors. Give your child outdoor chalk or use a stick in the sand or dirt and make letter-like shapes using straight lines, diagonal lines, curvy lines or circles. Print the first letter of your child’s name on the sidewalk. Talk about the shape of the letter. For example, if your child’s name begins with D, describe how D has one straight line down and one big curve. Invite your child to trace over your letter.

Explore more at-home activities that build beginning writing skills. Or browse recommended books for two-year-olds.