What Can It Be?
Stimulate your child’s vocabulary and conversation skills by playing this guessing game.
Stimulate your child’s vocabulary and conversation skills by playing this guessing game.
Help your child create her own book showcasing some of her favorite things. She will be both the author and the illustrator for this book (with your help, of course!).
Activities and experiences with rhyme and alliteration help children become more sensitive to the sounds of language. In this activity, your child will combine her knowledge of rhyme and beginning sounds to begin to write rhyming words.
Many children benefit from a multisensory approach to learning letters. In this activity, your child will have the chance to see letters, hear letter names and sounds, make letters and explore letters using textures.
Create a treasure map to give your child an exciting reason to read and write!
Children need lots of practice with sight words so that they can say them automatically and quickly when they see them. Learning sight words is an important step in learning to read.
Children love to be outdoors and to bond with the natural environment. Connect your child to the real world and use the opportunities to build a rich and varied vocabulary.
In this activity, your child will separate the beginning sound in a word from the rest of the word. This is called onset and rime, a very important pre-reading skill.
Next time you start to write a grocery shopping list, stop! You can turn this everyday chore into an authentic writing experience for your child.
As you probably already know, children love to take a turn with cell phones. This activity encourages children to use the camera feature of a cell phone to store their findings from a letter hunt.